Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Clean and press ladder: 5 x (1-3) 26 lb kbell
One arm swing: 2 x (2x10l/10r) 35 lb kbell

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Clean and press: 5l/5r - 26 lb
One arm swings: 15l/15r - 35 lb

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I was on the Master Cleanse program on August 2 and was on it for 4 days. I was to do it for 10 days but I read somewhere that you can do it for at least 3 days. I found it challenging to do and I may do another one. I think I was on it too brief of a period to get much of a detox effect.

I am now eating regular foods and maybe will try this again.

Clean and press: 2 x 5l/5r - 26 lb
One arm swings: 2x 2x(10l/10r) - 35 lb