Tuesday, December 2, 2008

26 lb kbell
clean, press and squat 5l/5r
one arm swing 4 x 10l/10r

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Snatches: 4 x 5l/5r - 26 lb

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Clean and press: 4 x 5l/5r - 26 lb
Swings: 3 x 30 - 35 lb

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I have been a slacker with my training but finally did a short workout. I know I need to make working out a priority in my life but I need to be realistic about what I can do. I want to push myself and do more heavier lifting but I need to just relax and do the work.

Swings: 4 x 30 - 35 lb
Clean and press: 5l/5r - 26 lb

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Swings: 2 x 30l/30r - 35 lb
Clean and press: 5l/5r - 26 lb
Bottoms up clean: 5l/5r - 26 lb

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Clean and press ladder: 5 x (1-3) 26 lb kbell
One arm swing: 2 x (2x10l/10r) 35 lb kbell

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Clean and press: 5l/5r - 26 lb
One arm swings: 15l/15r - 35 lb

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I was on the Master Cleanse program on August 2 and was on it for 4 days. I was to do it for 10 days but I read somewhere that you can do it for at least 3 days. I found it challenging to do and I may do another one. I think I was on it too brief of a period to get much of a detox effect.

I am now eating regular foods and maybe will try this again.

Clean and press: 2 x 5l/5r - 26 lb
One arm swings: 2x 2x(10l/10r) - 35 lb

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

26 lb kbell

Snatches: 5 x 7l/7r
Clean and Press: 2 x 5l/5r

35 lb

One arm swing: 2 x 10l/10r

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I did this on Tuesday night but forgot to publish it right away.

Clean and press: 3 x 5l/5r - 26 lb kbell
One arm swings: 2 x 2(10l/10r)- 35 lb kbell

Sunday, July 13, 2008

2 sets

Half TGU: 4r/4l - 35 kbell
Clean and press: 5l/5r - 26 kbell

High pull and swing: 3 x 5l/5r - 35 kbell

Ever since I have returned from my vacation, I have been slacking off in my kettlebell workouts. I am glad at least that I keep a blog because knowing that I have to write something on a regular basis, keeps me from quitting.

I am going to Montreal for a conference this Wednesday and won't be back until Sunday. In my other blog I write about how my department is getting laid off at the end of July so I'll be back to looking for work. It sucks but hopefully I'll find something that I enjoy.

I also have been wanting to go on some sort of detox fast for several years now and I finally have decided that I will do it. I will start in August. I've looked into juice fasts and water fasts but I decided to try the Master Cleanse lemonade cleanse. I have read it helps people lose weight (although they tend to get half of it back usually), but I am more interested in the detox aspect. I don't think I have a particularly unhealthy diet but I would like to see for myself what happens.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Swings: 40 - 35 lb kbell
Clean and Presss: 2 x 5l/5r - 26 kbell

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

5 rounds of:

Clean and press: 5l/5r - 26 lb kbell
One arm Swings: 10l/10r - 35 lb kbell

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

26 lb kbell
Snatches: 3 x 10l/10r

35 lb kbell
Half TGU: 3 x 3l/3r
One arm swings: 2 x 10l/10r

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Greetings all,

I arrived back from my vacation on June 8 and finally gotten around to doing a kettlebell workout. I spent lots of time walking though on vacation. In my other blog, I have written an entry about my trip if you want to hear some stories. I've actually been sick these past few days with a cold so I did a brief workout today.

Swings: 2 x 20 (35 lb)
Clean and press: 5l/5r (26 lb)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

26 lb kbell:
Snatches: 5 x 10l/10r

I'll be going on vacation to Europe this Friday for 2 weeks so I won't be working out. I want to do lots of walking so hopefully I won't get out of shape.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Done with a 26 lb kbell:

Clean and press: 5x 5l/5r
Dragon Twists: 2x 20

35 lb kbell:
High Pulls: 3x 10l/10r

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

26 lb kbell
Circuit: Snatch, front squat, press: 3 x 5l/5r

35 lb kbell
Swings: 3 x 20

Monday, May 12, 2008

26 lb kbell
Snatches: 5 x 10l/10r
Clean and press: 2 x 5l/5r

35 lb kbell
Half TGU 4l/4r

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Done with a 26 lb kbell

Clean and press: 5 x (5l/5r,4l/4r)

Done with a 35 lb kbell:
High Pulls 3 x 5l/5r

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Used a 35 lb kbell

Half TGU 3 x 3l/3r
High Pulls 3 x 10l/10r

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Used a 26 lb kbell

Circuit: clean, press, front squat: 3 x 5l/5r
Snatches 2 x 7l/7r

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Done with a 35 lb kbell

Half TGU 3 x 2l/2r
High Pulls 5 x 5l/5r

Monday, April 28, 2008

Done with a 26 lb kbell:

Clean and press: ladder 5 x (5,4)

Done with a 35 lb kbell:
Swings: 2 x 20

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Saturday night workout

Done with a 35 lb kbell:

Swings: 4 x 40

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Done with a 26 lb kbell

Clean and press: 5 x (1,2,3), 3 x 4
Total: 42 reps each arm

Monday, April 21, 2008

Done with a 26 lb kbell:

Snatches: 1-10-1 ladder
Total reps: 200

It took me 27 minutes to do this and it was very very hard. I started out okay and started taking brief rests by the time I got to 5 reps and did so with each following set of reps. Coming down this ladder was where I took longer because I was already spent in the first 10 minutes.

I also worked out on my balcony for the first time so it was nice.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Done with a 35 lb kbell

Swings 5 x 30
High Pulls 2 x 5l/5r

I feel like I've been slacking in my kettlebell training since I didn't work out since Wednesday. I also feel like I've hit a certain plateau. I don't feel like I've been over working out but I did feel like that a bit.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Clean and press 4 x 6l/6r: used a 26 lb kbell
High pulls 4 x 5l/5r: used a 35 lb kbell

I thought since I eventually want to snatch a 35 lb bell, I might as well start getting comfortable doing high pulls with one. I wanted to do 10 reps but didn't feel comfortable at first. I think by the end of doing the high pulls, I was feeling more confident so probably next time.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Swings done with a 35 lb kbell
Cleans and presses done with a 26 kbell

Clean and press: 5l/5r
One arm swing: 15l/15r
Clean and press: 5l/5r
One arm swing: 15l/15r
Clean and press: 5l/5r
One arm swing: 15l/15r
Clean and press: 5l/5r
One arm swing: 15l/15r
Clean and press: 5l/5r
One arm swing: 15l/15r
Clean and press: 5l/5r
One arm swing: 15l/15r

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Done with a 26 lb kbell
All swings and half TGU done with a 35 lb kbell

Clean and press 5l/5r
Half TGU 3 x 1l/1r
Clean and press 5l/5r
Swings: 2 x 10l/10r
Clean and press 5l/5r
Bent arm pullover 3 x 8
Clean and press 5l/5r
Snatches: 8l/8r
Clean and press 5l/5r
Front squats: 5l/5r
Clean and press 5l/5r

I hate front squats. I just don't like doing them.
I followed the rkc certificate template but did some variations. I'm also trying to prepare myself for pressing the 35 lb kbell and thought maybe I should increase my volume before I attempt it again.
I also decided to do the half TGU to build up some strength to be able to do the full TGU.
Did I mention that I hate doing front squats?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Secret Service Snatch Test

Greetings all,

Done with a 26 lb kbell:
10 minutes of snatching
Snatches: 10 x 5l/5r
Total: 100 reps

Circuit: swing, clean, press 2 x 5l/5r

I attempted to do the 10 minute snatch test and I didn't really know what to expect but I got 50% of the goal and I've gotten back into kettlebells now for 3.5 months. I think that's alright!

I am sweating a lot and I think I will try to test myself once a month to see if I can hit the 200 mark.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Done with a 35 lb kbell

TGU 2 x 1l/1r
Swings: 3 x 40

This was my first time using a 35 lb kbell for the TGU. I had difficulty with keeping my wrist aligned with my forearm as it was bending a bit back due to the increased weight. I kept my reps low since this was my first time trying it out. My form was good with the exception of the wrist.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Done with a 26 lb kbell

Clean and press 5 x 5l/5r

I was rather unmotivated to work out today but I had to do something so I kept it simple. I find pressing the 26 lb is still more challenging on my left side. I got my Enter the Kettlebell book yesterday and started flipping through it. I already have the dvd and I think it's always important to pay attention to your form. I eventually want to have some training sessions with a professional but financially now is not a good time as I am saving up to do my trip to Europe.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

All swings done with a 35 lb kbell
Everything else is done with a 26 kbell.

Swings: 40
Clean and press: 8 x 1l/1r
Swings: 40
Front Squats: 8l/8r
Swings: 40
TGU: 5x 1l/1r
Swings: 40
Snatches: 8x 1l/1r
Swings: 40

By the end of the TGUs, I just didn't know if I had it in me to finish this. I thought I could handle doing 40 reps of swings but it was alot and my legs have been thoroughly worked.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Workout done with a 26 lb kbell
Swings done with a 35 lb kbell

Clean and press: 5l/5r
Swings: 50
Clean and press: 5l/5r
Front squats: 8l/8r
Clean and press: 5l/5r
TGU 5l/5r
Clean and press: 5l/5r
Snatches: 8l/8r
Clean and press: 5l/5r

I got this template workout from the Dragon Door Hardstyle magazine and it was an article written by Brett Jones. I thought I'd try it. I found it to be challenging. I would have like to have done another circuit but one was enough and I think I took longer rest periods in between then I would have liked.
This template is one Mr. Jones recommends for those who plan on getting their RKC instructor certificate. I know I'm not interested in being an instructor but I might want to take some certificate training in the future.
I have lots of ambitions and goals and for me I am training with kettlebells to look buff and get an efficient workout. Yes I am a little vain but my vanity is also good for my health since exercise is good for you and makes you feel better and more confident.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Done with a 26 lb kbell

Snatches 8 x 8l/8r

I measured myself last Sunday as I've been keeping track of my hip, waist and thigh measurements and I lost another inch in my hips and lower ab area. I think I started taking my measurements a month into training but so far I've lost 2 inches in the hip/lower ab area, which is probably where the most fat is stored. I probably want to lose 2-3 more inches there, 2 inches in my thighs and about 5 inches around my waist. The unfortunate thing in weight loss is you can't tell the body where you want all the fat to leave.

My hands are blistery as well from doing these snatches. I wanted to do an extra set because I know last time I did a workout of just snatches, I did 8 sets of 7 so I wanted to do an extra set. Damn I found this hard to do!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Done with a 35 kbell
Military press: 3 x 4l/4r
Lat pulls 3 x 6l/6r

Done with a 26 lb kbell
Bent arm pullover 3x8

Done with a 35 lb kbell
Front squats: 2 x 4l/4r

Done with a 26 lb kbell
Dragonwalk: 10 steps
Side lunges: 4 x 12

I was using Andrea DuCane's Kettlebell Goddess workout and selected the create your own option and decided to do these exercises. I felt alone in my practice so the dvd provided some form on companionship!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Done with a 35 lb kbell

One arm swings: 10 x 10l/10r

Friday, March 21, 2008

Done with a 26 lb kbell:

Overhead squats 3 x 3l/3r
TGU 5l/5r
Snatches: 4x 7l/7r

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Done with a 26 lb kbell
Lat pulls 2x 10l/10r

Done with a 35 lb kbell
One arm Swings: 10l,10r
Clean and press 4 x 3l/3r
One arm Swings: 2x 15l/15r

Doing those last set of one arm swings really got my heart and breathing up!

Monday, March 17, 2008

I was sick yesterday with a fever but felt better today and I so I kept it simple since I haven't kettlebelled since Wednesday. I did go for a hike on Saturday so I have been getting some physical activity.

35 lb kettlebell:
One arm swing: 5 sets of 10l/10r

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Today's workout is done with a 35 lb kbell.

Swings: 10 reps
1 arm swing, 10l/10r

Clean and press 3l/3r
One arm swing 10l/10r
Clean and press 3l/3r
One arm swing 10l/10r
Clean and press 3l/3r
One arm swing 10l/10r

Done with a 26 lb bell:

French press, held by the handle instead of horns: 2x10
Twist: 2x20
Snatches: 7l/7r

I cleaned and pressed the 35 lb for the first time and I had to use my free hand to help me but I figure that's because it's more heavier. I originally did that a few times when I cleaned and pressed the 26 lb and had to use both hands. I want to start using a heavier weight for lifting so I think doing the clean and press is a good start.

I read that men want to work their upper bodies whereas women want to work on their lower body so they tend to do exercises for these areas (you can't spot reduce anyways) so I thought maybe if I tried to add extra upper body exercises (like the press) it would help me slim down my lower body.

I also did the french press but when I saw the exercise, the bell was held by the horns and I held it by the handle, which made it easier to work with. I think after a few times holding it that way, I should be able to lift it by the horns.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Today was snatch day and I used a 26 lb kettlebell

Snatches: 8 sets of 7

Friday, March 7, 2008

Done with a 26 lb bell
All swings done with a 35 lb bell

Clean and military press: 3 reps, left and right arm
Swings: 10 reps
Clean and military press: 4 reps, left and right arm
Swings: 10 reps
Clean and military press: 5 reps, left and right arm
Swings: 10 reps
Bottoms up clean: 10 reps, left and right arm
Swings: 10 reps
Bottoms up clean: 10 reps, left and right arm
Swings: 10 reps
Snatch and overhead squat: 3 reps, left and right arm

I am sweating from this workout!
I am still experiencing some numbness and tingling in my body but it is definitely not as intense as it was earlier this week. I am glad to be doing better but hopefully when I see my doctor on Monday, she will tell me what was going on with my body.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Done with a 26 lb kettlebell
TGU 2x5
Circuit: Clean, squat, press 3x3, left then right arm

Done with a 35 lb kettlebell
Swings: 2x20

I'm still experiencing the numbness and tingling in my body and it did affect me a bit during the workout.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Today's workout was done with a 35 lb kettlebell:
Swings: 4x20

My wrist is still a bit numb and tingling although my fingers weren't tingling like yesterday. I don't know if other exercises will aggravate my condition.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Today's workout was short as I went to a walk in clinic this morning because last night I had a sharp pain in my arm and my lower arm starting feeling numb and tingling. I am suffering from repetitive strain injury because of my work station is not erogonomic. So I am wearing a wrist splint and my hand is still tingling.

Today's workout was done with the 35 lb bell.
Swings: 3x10, 1x20
Total 60 reps.
I would have done more but I don't want to put too much strain on my wrist this early on.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Today's workout was done with a 26 lb kettlebell:

TGU 3x4
Lat press 3x10
Bottoms up clean 3x10
Snatches 2x7

I attempted to do the french press but I was not able. I obviously will need a lighter weight and practice that for now.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Today's workout was done with a 35 lb kettlebell.

Swings: 2x30, 2x20

I did 100 reps in total. I've been doing alot of snatches lately and thought I'd do some swings since the swings are the foundation in kettlebell training.

Friday, February 22, 2008

This is today's workout:
Done with 26 lb
Lat pull 3x6
Circuit: clean, press, front squat 2x6, 2x3,
Snatches 2x7

Doing 6 reps in the circuit was harder then I thought so in my last set I just switched it to 3 reps and just did it twice.
Tomorrow I'm taking my measurements so I hope to see another improvement.
I also remembered to start with my left arm this time as it is not my dominant arm.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Keeping Track

Greetings and Salutations,

I have decided to do a blog just on my kettlebell training that I do so that I can see how much I do and properly keep track of the work that I do. I started using kettlebells back in June 2006 and used them for several months only to stop. I am restarting as I started to gain some weight as I have a desk job. I started up again the week of Christmas. I am trying to keep things simpler as I think I was trying to do too much and learn too much at once.

I generally use the 26 lb kettlebell and have a 35 lb kettlestack. Here is my workout for today:
With 26 lb:
Turkish Get-Up (TGU) 3x2
Snatches 5x7

My snatches on the right arm are easier then my left as my left is not as strong as my right arm. I keep forgetting to start with my left arm as it will give me a better indication of how much I can do because if I try to do high reps with my right arm, I do not know if I can do the same amount on my left so that is why it is better for me to start on my left.

My form is not quite up to par as well on my left. My form is much better on the right arm when doing snatches.
I am glad that I am progressing with the snatch as I find it an intimidating move.
I am also progressing with the TGU and remember when I first started using kettlebells, I couldn't even do a TGU.