Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Secret Service Snatch Test

Greetings all,

Done with a 26 lb kbell:
10 minutes of snatching
Snatches: 10 x 5l/5r
Total: 100 reps

Circuit: swing, clean, press 2 x 5l/5r

I attempted to do the 10 minute snatch test and I didn't really know what to expect but I got 50% of the goal and I've gotten back into kettlebells now for 3.5 months. I think that's alright!

I am sweating a lot and I think I will try to test myself once a month to see if I can hit the 200 mark.

1 comment:

Howie B said...

I am considering investing in some lifting chalk. During today's snatching, I was forced to put the bell down in fear of it slipping out of my hand. I hate when that happens!!