Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Keeping Track

Greetings and Salutations,

I have decided to do a blog just on my kettlebell training that I do so that I can see how much I do and properly keep track of the work that I do. I started using kettlebells back in June 2006 and used them for several months only to stop. I am restarting as I started to gain some weight as I have a desk job. I started up again the week of Christmas. I am trying to keep things simpler as I think I was trying to do too much and learn too much at once.

I generally use the 26 lb kettlebell and have a 35 lb kettlestack. Here is my workout for today:
With 26 lb:
Turkish Get-Up (TGU) 3x2
Snatches 5x7

My snatches on the right arm are easier then my left as my left is not as strong as my right arm. I keep forgetting to start with my left arm as it will give me a better indication of how much I can do because if I try to do high reps with my right arm, I do not know if I can do the same amount on my left so that is why it is better for me to start on my left.

My form is not quite up to par as well on my left. My form is much better on the right arm when doing snatches.
I am glad that I am progressing with the snatch as I find it an intimidating move.
I am also progressing with the TGU and remember when I first started using kettlebells, I couldn't even do a TGU.

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