Sunday, March 30, 2008

Workout done with a 26 lb kbell
Swings done with a 35 lb kbell

Clean and press: 5l/5r
Swings: 50
Clean and press: 5l/5r
Front squats: 8l/8r
Clean and press: 5l/5r
TGU 5l/5r
Clean and press: 5l/5r
Snatches: 8l/8r
Clean and press: 5l/5r

I got this template workout from the Dragon Door Hardstyle magazine and it was an article written by Brett Jones. I thought I'd try it. I found it to be challenging. I would have like to have done another circuit but one was enough and I think I took longer rest periods in between then I would have liked.
This template is one Mr. Jones recommends for those who plan on getting their RKC instructor certificate. I know I'm not interested in being an instructor but I might want to take some certificate training in the future.
I have lots of ambitions and goals and for me I am training with kettlebells to look buff and get an efficient workout. Yes I am a little vain but my vanity is also good for my health since exercise is good for you and makes you feel better and more confident.

1 comment:

Howie B said...

Workout looks kinda familiar. Very nice!